I've seen a look in dogs' eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts."
~ John Steinbeck


Ch. Starline's French Kiss
(Ch. Starline's Sovereign ROMX x Ch. Starline's Fendissime At Oxford)

Starline's French Kiss

f pedigree is a precursor to exceptional quality, Paris certainly has proved it.

Her effervescent personality, flawless movement and drop dead gorgeous type make her one of most exciting young prospects we have ever produced.

Shown only a handful of times, Paris finished with her 3rd major at just 14 months old!

Some of her notable wins in her short class career were WB, BOW, Best Puppy and Select at the NCWFA Specialty under Breeder Judge: Mr. Tom Kirsten for 5 points as well as WB, BOW for another 5 point major at the San Diego Whippet Association Specialty under Hound Specialist Kathy Forbes.

Watch for Paris and Reign's puppies in 2013!

Ch.Starline's Sovereign ROMXX
SBIS Ch. Starline's Reign On, ROMX, JC
Ch. Hamrya's Lucky Charm, FCh. ROM

Ch. Morshor's Majestic Prince, ROMX

Ch. Hamrya's Moonscape v. Tyobi

SBIS Ch. Ringmaster's Gold Fever, ROM

SBIS Ch. Delacreme de la Renta ROMX

Ch. Gold Dust's Limited Edition ROMX

Ch. Starline's Sweet Sensation
BIS/SBIS Ch. Chelsea Made You Look Of Sage SC

SBIS Ch. Chelsea Gold Rush of Keynote ROM

Sage Simply Outrageous

Ch. Starline's Singular Sensation

Ch. Nasusa Cacique

NBIS Ch. Starline's Claim to Fame

Ch Starline's Fendissime At Oxford
Mult. Select Ch. Sunbeam Rembrandt of Endeavor, JC
Ch. Chelsea Where There's Smoke, ROM

Ch. Red Cloud Quintessence, JC, ROMX

SBIS, BIS Ch. Chelsea Dangerous Beauty

Ch. Endeavor's Purple Reign, JC

SBIS Ch. Starline's Reign On, JC

Can. Ch. Wenrick's Vanity Fair

Ch. Dream Date
BIS/SBIS Ch. Chelsea Made You Look of Sage,SC, ROMX

SBIS Ch. Chelsea Gold Rush of Keynote, FCH, ROMX

Sage Simply Outrageous

Ch. Starline's Singular Sensation

SBIS Am. Can Ch. Nasusa Cacique

SBIS/BIS Ch. Starline's Claim to Fame, ROMX



Flagstaff, Arizona
Paris is a Champion!! 

July 2011

Paris went BOW under hound authority Barbara Pepper at 14 months old.

Ch. Starline's French Kiss
Paris is a Champion!! 

June 2011

Shown only a handful of times, Paris finished with her 3rd major last week at just 14 months old! We are so proud of her, and look forward to a bright future for her as Starline's next special!

Thank you to all her fans, the judges and to Lori Wilson for her expert handling and TLC!

Paris made her debut at just 7 months old at the Northern California Whippet Fancier's specialty under breeder judge Mr. Tom and was awarded WB, BOW and 1st AOM to her aunt Chanel who was Best In Specialty!

Thank you so much Mr. Kirstein and to the fancy for such a wonderful start, and for all the compliments we received on our beautiful baby! Paris returned to the ring in January, once again pushing her aunt for the breed and capturing WB and BOW for her second Specialty major! We look forward to showing Paris to the fancy at the AWC Whippet National later this year!

WB, BOW and 1st AOM from the 6-9 class NCWFA Specialty, Breeder/Judge Mr. Thomas Kirstein

WB, BOW from the 9-12 class- Greater San Diego Whippet Association Specialty, Judge Ms. Kathy Forbes





Lori, Carey, Kyle and Nicole Lawrence
P.O. Box 191 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 - USA
Phone: 858-756-4387