Ch. Starline's Bleu De Chanel
GCH Starline’s Rolex At Oxford
SBIS GCH Starline’s Mademoiselle - by “Chanel”
Congratulations to Cristiano Asanuma on fulfilling a dream to own a Starline baby, and his wait was surely worth it with his acquisition of Ch. Starline’s Bleu De Chanel (A Chanel grandson). We are so happy for you. and proud to have you in the Starline family. Bleu finished from at 9 months of age with majors under renowned hound specialists including WD, BOW and BOS over specials at his first show under Randy Garren and a major under Bill Shelton at a specialty weekend!
Thank you to co-owner Lori Wilson-Paust for expertly handling Bleu to all his wins. Bleu will return with Cristiano to Brazil, but look for him back in the US as a special in the future.

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