Compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of character and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man."
~ Arthur Schopenhauer


CH. Starline's Versace At Oxford

Sire: Ch. Sunbeam Rembrandt Of Endeavor
Dam: Ch. Starline's Dream Date

Starline's Versace At OxfordBorn: 12/13/07

Co-owned by Starline and Oxford


January 2, 2009
Inland Empire Hound Club Specialty/AWC support
Award Of Merit - Mrs. Jeraldeen Crandall


Ch. Sunbeam Rembrandt of Endeavor,JC
Ch. Chelsea Where There's Smoke, JC, ROM
SBIS Ch. Red Cloud Quintessence,JC, ROMX
SBIS Ch. Delecreme De La Renta, ROMX

SBIS Ch. Kezo's Seafoam Florescence
SBIS, BIS Ch. Chelsea Dangerous Beauty
SBIS Ch. Chelsea Gold Rush of Keynote, FCH, ROMX

Sage Simply Outrageous
Ch. Endeavor's Purple Reign,J
SBIS Ch. Starline's Reign On,JC,ROMX
Ch. Hamyra's Lucky Charm,ROM,FCH,SC

SBIS Ch. Ringmaster's Gold Fever, ROM
Can Ch. Wenrick's Vanity Fair
Dual Ch. Sportingfield's Jazz Fest, ROMX

Ch. Sportingfield's Rea N' Wenrick
Ch. Starlines Dream Date
BIS/SBIS Ch. Chelsea Made You Look of Sage,SC, ROMX
SBIS Ch. Chelsea Gold Rush of Keynote, FCH, ROMX

Ch. Rhode Paved with Gold, ROMX

Ch.Jocora Chelsea One for the Road

Sage Simply Outrageous

SBIS Ch. Chelsea Drakkar of Oxford, FCH, ROMX

Ch. Sage Outrageous Fortune

Ch. Starline's Singular Sensation
SBIS Am. Can Ch. Nasusa Cacique

SBIS Ch. Starlines Reign On, JC, ROMX

BIS, SBIS, Am/Can Ch. Nasusa Raise the Curtain, FCH

SBIS/BIS Ch. Starline's Claim to Fame, ROMX

Ch. Hamyra's Lucky Charm, SC, ROM

SBIS Ch. Ringmaster's Gold Fever

January 2, 2009
Inland Empire Hound Club Specialty/AWC support
Award Of Merit - Mrs. Jeraldeen Crandall


Finishing in grand style, Derek captures WD, Best Puppy and AOM for a 5 point major at the South Central Specialty on August 22nd, 2008 under breeder/judge Mr. Michael Dougherty. The following day under breeder/judge Gail Boyd , Derek proves himself again by finishing from the 6-9 puppy class with another 5 point major!!! Kudos to co-breeder, and co-owner Dianne Bowen for handling Derek to all of his incredible wins!!


Starline's Versace At Oxford makes his debut at 6 months 1 day old, and captures WD under Mrs. Judy Webb. The very next day Derek was awarded BOB over top specials, and Group 3 under breeder/judge John Shelton!!!

On Derek's second weekend out Betty Anne Starmark and Mr. Dan Ericsson (Sweden) both awarded him WD, BOS over specials. WOW this baby is really doing well!





Lori, Carey, Kyle and Nicole Lawrence
P.O. Box 191 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 - USA
Phone: 858-756-4387