January 2, 2009
Inland Empire Hound Club Specialty/AWC support
Award Of Merit - Mrs. Jeraldeen Crandall
Finishing in grand style, Derek captures WD, Best Puppy and AOM for a 5 point major at the South Central Specialty on August 22nd, 2008 under breeder/judge Mr. Michael Dougherty. The following day under breeder/judge Gail Boyd , Derek proves himself again by finishing from the 6-9 puppy class with another 5 point major!!! Kudos to co-breeder, and co-owner Dianne Bowen for handling Derek to all of his incredible wins!!

Starline's Versace At Oxford makes his debut at 6 months 1 day old, and captures WD under Mrs. Judy Webb. The very next day Derek was awarded BOB over top specials, and Group 3 under breeder/judge John Shelton!!!
On Derek's second weekend out Betty Anne Starmark and Mr. Dan Ericsson (Sweden) both awarded him WD, BOS over specials. WOW this baby is really doing well!