Until one has loved an animal a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
~ Anatole France

in memory of

SBIS Ch. Starline's Reign On, JC, ROMXXX

February 22, 1990 - November 19, 2004

Ch. Starline's Masterpiece

#1 Whippet Sire in the History of the Breed with 126 American Champions to date.


Frozen semen available to approved bitches. Please contact us for more information.


  Ch. Hamrya's Lucky Charm FCh. ROM
Ch Morshor's Majestic Prince ROMX Am Can. Ch. Morshor's Majestic Dell FCh LCM ROMX Ch. Plumcreek Walk on Water ROMX
Am. Can. Ch. Morshor's Royal Bid FCh. LCM
Ch. Morshor's Crown Jewel Ch. Bitterblue's Sure Fire
Am. Can. Ch. Morshor's Jai Baba
Ch. Hamrya's Moonscape v. Tyobi Ch. Plumcreek Walk on Water ROMX Ch. Plumcreek Chimney Swift ROM
  Plumcreek September Romance ROM
Ch. Bitterblue's Moon Fire LCM ROM Ch. Timbar's Shadow Of The Moon
Greyfriar Phoenix CD LCM ROM
  SBIS Ch. Ringmaster's Gold Fever ROM
SBIS Ch. Delacreme de la Renta ROMX Ch. Saxon Shore Amber Waves ROMX Ch. Rollings Viktor ROM
Ch. Rafina Rhianda of Kamara ROMX
SBIS Ch. Runner's Creme de la Creme ROM BIS SBIS Ch. Misty Moor's Chalmondoley ROMX
Ch. Runner's Our Own Charisma ROM
Ch. Gold Dust's Limited Edition ROMX Ch. Stoney Meadows North Star ROM Ch. Hound Hill Constant
Stoney Meadows High Skies
SBIS Ch. Gold Dust's Twenty Four Karat ROM Ch. Morshor's Bold 'n Courageous
Ch. Gold Dust's All That Glitters


* #1 Whippet Sire In the History of The Breed
* 126 American Champions. Over 135 Champions worldwide.
* #1 Hound sire 1999
* Sire of 11 Specialty Winners
* National Specialty Select Award 1994, 1996
* Greater San Diego Whippet Association Specialty Best in Show 1997
* Best Stud Dog, Extended Generation AWC National Specialty 2000
* Best Stud Dog and Select at the AWC Western Specialty in 1999
* Best Stud Dog, Best Stud Dog Extended Generation 1996 National Specialty
* Best Stud Dog, AWC Western Specialty 1992, 1994, 1995
* Sire of Field Champions and Best in Field winners
* Sire of numerous "Top Ten" and group-winning Whippets in the USA
* Sire of Best in Show winners in five countries:
      o USA: BIS Ch. Limard's Fiddler on the Roof
             BIS, SBIS Ch. Onyxx Sand and Sable
      o Australia : Multi SBIS & BIS, S N DK Nord Aus Ch EW-00 Ch. Statuesque Extortion
             BIS Ch Statuesque Extravagance
      o Canada : BIS, SBIS Ch. Antares Ambridge Rose
      o Brazil : BIS Ch. Allerei's Tailor Made
      o International : BIS Ch. Renaissance Man of Whirlwind

SBIS Ch. Starline's Reign On, JC, ROMX
Some Top Winning Progeny

BIS, SBIS Am. Can Ch. Antares Ambridge Rose
Breeders: Daniel Lockhart and Karlene Kahlstrom
Owner: Dan Black
(Reign x Am. Can Ch. Saxon Shore Golden Nugget)
20 Best In Shows
60 Group First
AWC National Select
#1 Hound in Canada 1996

SBIS Ch. Lambay's Spice In Castlecrest
(Reign x Ch. Starline's Ginger O' Maddie)
Breeder: Bob and Pam Lambie
Owners: Ron and Linda Wagoner
AWC National "Top Twenty" Winner
AWC Select Winner
Multiple Group Winner

SBIS Am Can Ch. Nasusa Cacique
(Reign x BIS SBIS Am Can Ch. Nasusa Raise The Curtain FCH)
Breeders: Susan and Carla Badick
Owners: Kevin Shupenia and Carla Badick
1996 AWC National BOW
Multiple Group and Specialty Winner

SBIS DC Am Can Ch. Wildwood's Espirit De Core SC FCH
(Reign x Ch. Hasue Chances Are Royal Magic)
Breeder/Owner: Diane Guest
AWC National Select
Specialty Winner
Field Champion

SBIS Can Am Ch. Nasusa Infanta FCH
(Reign x BIS SBIS Am Can Ch. Nasusa Raise The Curtain FCH)
Breeders/Owners: Susan and Carla Badick
1996 AWC National Select
Multiple Group and Specialty Winner


BIS, SBIS Aust, Swed, Fin, Nor, Dan, Int Ch. Statuesque Extortion (iid)

(Reign x Aust BIS, SBIS Ch. Bohem Critics Choice (imp USA)
Breeder/Owner: Frank & Lee Pieterse
Multiple All Breed BIS and Multiple SBIS Winner
Tied for All time Specialty Winner in Australia with 4 Specialty BIS
Sire of numerous Champions and Top-winning whippets in Australia and Sweden

 Ch. Bohem All About Eve
( Reign x BIS Ch. Bohem Of Thee I Sing)
Breeder/Owner: Bohem
AWC Top Twenty 1999
National Specialty Select Award of Merit 2000

SBIS Ch. Bohem Age Of Innocence
( Reign x BIS Ch. Bohem Of Thee I Sing)
Breeder: Bohem
Owned by Patricia and Curtis Singer (Diva Whippets)
AWC Top Twenty 1998, 1999
BOB AWC Western Regional Specialty 1999
Multiple group winner
AWC Top Twenty 1998, 1999
Select Award of Merit, AWC National Specialty 2000 and 2001

SBIS Can Am Ch. Nasusa Czarina
(Reign x BIS SBIS Am Can Ch. Nasusa Raise The Curtain FCH)
Breeders: Susan and Carla Badick
Owners: Tanya Palylyk, Carla and Susan Badick
Multiple Group and Multiple Specialty Winner

BIS, SBIS Ch. Onyxx Sand And Sable
(Reign x Ch. Avalon Touch Of Lace)
Breeders: Bill and Lynn Weller
Owner: Libby De Mille
All Breed BIS and SBIS Winner

allerie babies
Left to Right (From a litter of 6 Champions)
(Reign x Am. Can Ch. Allerei's Santa Paula FCH)
Breeders: RH and JM Simonsen

FCI, Am. Can. Ch. Allerei's Tailor Made F. Ch.
7 All Breed BIS & SBIS
Brazilian Grand Champion
Pan-American Champion
#1 Whippet In Brazil in 1998.
Ch. Allerei's Irish Coffee

Multiple Group Winner
Ch. Allerei's Bond Of Elegance
Ch. Allerei's The Cat's Meow



Ch. Shasta Midnight Star

Ch. Shasta Midnight Star
(Reign x Ch. Windy Hill's Shasta Daisy)
Multiple Group Winner

Ch. Sonseeahray's In Hot Pursuit
Ch. Sonseeahray's In Hot Pursuit ROM
(Reign x BIS, Ch. Prophecy's Promises Promises)
Top Producing Reign son

Ch. Endeavor's Formal Attire
Ch. Endeavor's Formal Attire
(Reign x Morshor Ripshin My Contessa )





Lori, Carey, Kyle and Nicole Lawrence
P.O. Box 191 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 - USA
Phone: 858-756-4387