I've seen a look in dogs' eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts."
~ John Steinbeck

in the spotlight

Ch. Starline's Sovereign ROMXX

Sire: SBIS Ch. Starline's Reign On, ROMX

Dam: BIS, SBIS CH. Starline's Sweet Sensation ROMX

Ch. Starline's Sovereign ROMXX

Top Producing whippet sire in the USA for 2011, 2012 and 2013, with 57 American Champions to date.

A striking statistic is that 55 of his AKC champions to date come from just 17 breedings.

Even more significant is the fact that so many of his get go on to major accomplishments beyond their AKC Championship.

• Ashton has 5 all breed Best In Show Winners and 8 Specialty Best In Show Winners, numerous group winners, sweepstakes winners and winners bitch and winners dog at major specialties.

• At the American Whippet Cub National Specialty, Ashton has produced a National Futurity Winner, Winners bitch and Reserve Winers Bitch and AOM winners.

• Many of Ashton's children have been ranked in the Top Twenty whippets in the country including GCH. Starline’s Oxford Victim Of Love who was the #1 whippet all-systems in 2013.

His Best In Show and Specialty Winners include:

  • MBIS GCH Starline’s Jimmy Choo
    ( x MBIS, MSBIS GCH Starline’s Chanel)

  • SBIS GCH Starline’s Coco Mademoiselle
    (x MBIS, MSBIS GCH Starline’s Chanel)

  • MBIS MSBIS GCH Starline’s Oxford Victim Of Love
    ( x Ch. Oxford’s Dynesty ROM)

  • MBIS SBIS GCH Princeton’s Sweet Emotion At Starline
    ( x Ch. Oxford’s Dynesty ROM)

  • SBIS GCH Oxford Princetons Center Of The Universe
    ( X Ch. Oxford’s Dynesty ROM)

  • SBIS GCH Oxford Sunbeam Sleepless In Seattle
    ( x Ch. Oxford Tobell What’s In It For Me)

  • BIS SBIS GCH Winway Ramona
    ( x BIS Ch. Winway Redford With A Splash)

  • SBIS GCH Winway Lexie Personal Appearance
    ( X BIS Ch. Winway Redfor With A Splash)

  • BIS BoBett Hallmark Breakdance
    ( x Ch. Bo-Bett Hamlmark’s Dance Dance Dance)

Ashton’s show record before his injury:

In just two weekends, Ashton was Winners Dog 4 times to finish his AKC Championship Title with 3 majors.

He received back to back 5 point majors at the Arizona Whippet Association Specialty Show under breeder/judge Mrs. Harriett Nash Lee, and the Scottsdale Dog Fancier's Association Supported entry under Mrs. Virginia Lyne.

OFA Cardiac Normal Cerf-Normal
At Stud to approved bitches in 2015



  SBIS Ch. Starline's Reign on, ROMX, JC
Ch. Hamrya's Lucky Charm FCh. ROM Ch Morshor's Majestic Prince ROMX Am Can. Ch. Morshor's Majestic Dell FCh LCM ROMX
Ch. Morshor's Crown Jewel
Ch. Hamrya's Moonscape v. Tyobi Ch. Plumcreek Walk on Water ROMX
Ch. Bitterblue's Moon Fire LCM ROM
SBIS Ch. Ringmaster's Gold Fever ROM SBIS Ch. Delacreme de la Renta ROMX Ch. Saxon Shore Amber Waves ROMX
SBIS Ch. Runner's Creme de la Creme ROM
Ch. Gold Dust's Limited Edition ROMX Ch. Stoney Meadows North Star ROM
SBIS Ch. Gold Dust's Twenty Four Karat ROM
  Ch. Starline's Sweet Sensation
BIS/SBIS Ch. Chelsea Made You Look of Sage SC SBIS Ch. Chelsea Gold Rush of Keynote ROM Ch. Rhode Paved WIth Gold
Ch. Jocora Chelsea One For The Road
Sage Simply Outrageous SBIS Ch. Chelsea Drakkar of Oxford FCh. ROMX
Ch. Sage Outrageous Fortune
Ch. Starline's Singular Sensation Ch. Nasusa Cacique Ch. Starline's Reign On, JC, ROMX
Ch. Nasusa Raise The Curtain, FCh.
NBIS Ch. Starline's Claim to Fame Ch. Hamrya's Lucky Charm FCh. ROM
SBIS Ch. Ringmaster's Gold Fever ROM
Heather debuted on 3/21/03 at the age of 8 months old at the American Whippet Club South Central Specialty

Best In Sweeps !!
Breeder/Judge: Mrs. Jo Meister

Best Puppy In Show and Reserve Winners Bitch !
Breeder/Judge: Mr. Charles Roberts

Hound Classic Weekend - May 2003

Best In Sweeps
Best Of Winners (pictured with Jeep, Heather on left)
Judge: Mr. Collin Hamilton (Australia)

Greater San Diego Whippet Association Specialty - May 2003

Best In Sweeps
Breeder-Judge Ms. Jodi Paquette

Best Of Winners and Best Puppy In Show
Judge: Mrs. Judy Webb

American Whippet Club Eastern Specialty - June 2003

Best In Sweeps
Breeder Judge: Mrs. Patience Renzulli

Reserve Winners Bitch from the puppy class
Breeder-Judge: Mrs. Barbara Rupert

Ventura Kennel Club  July 2003

Best Of Breed from the puppy class over specials and an entry of 44 whippets
Judge: Mr. Everett Dean

Rapid City Kennel Club - Oct 2003

Heather finishes with a 5 pt major (her 4th major win) under Breeder-judge Mrs. Anne Rogers Clark.





Lori, Carey, Kyle and Nicole Lawrence
P.O. Box 191 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 - USA
Phone: 858-756-4387